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Patharkandi College of Education,Assam Patharkandi College of Education was established in 1995, is the out come of the sincere and dedicatory efforts of the local people under the bold charismatic leadership of Late Mr. Qumrul Hoque. http://www.patharkandibedcollege.org Website: http://www.patharkandibedcollege.org
PARAGON JUNIOR COLLEGE Paragon Junior College of Science, Arts & Commerce (PJCSAC), Badarpur is a path-breaking initiative in the domain of Higher/Senior Secondary Education in the valley and the adjoining regions. The college was established in the year 2014. www.paragonjuniorcollege.in Website: www.paragonjuniorcollege.in
PANJAB UNIVERSITY,PANJAB After the partition in 1947, the University was constrained to function for almost a decade without having a campus of its own. The administrative office was located at Solan and the teaching departments functioned from Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, Delhi and Amritsar. It was in 1956 that the University was relocated at Chandigarh. http://www.puchd.ac.in Website: http://www.puchd.ac.in
PANDU COLLEGE,KAMRUP,ASSAM The need of an institution for higher education in growing Pandu -Maligaon area was felt during early sixties by the residents of the Western part of Guwahati. A meeting for this purpose was organized on 28th January 1962 . http://www.panducollege.org Website: http://www.panducollege.org
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya (PDUAM) Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya (PDUAM).was established at Amjonga in the district of Goalpara under the co-venture of the Central Government and the Government of Assam with the financial assistance from centrally sponsored scheme - Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA). www.pduamamjonga.ac.in Website: www.pduamamjonga.ac.in
P A T K A I C H R I S T I A N C O L L E G E ,NAGALAND,INDIA Patkai as a Christian liberal arts college firmly believes that education is for the whole man in a framework of spiritual and moral absolutes. Every Christian college, therefore, has the difficult task of retaining its traditional stance while seeking to make its educational philosophy relevant to the world around it. http://www.patkaicollege.com Website: http://www.patkaicollege.com
P & C ACADEMY P&C Academy is an Integrated School providing the best of schooling and coaching under the same roof. It is run by the most successful and trusted educational group of Northeast - Potential & Concept Group of Educations. www.pncacademy.com Website: www.pncacademy.com
ORIENT FLOWER JUNIOR COLLEGE The Orient Flower Junior College focuses on the all-round development of its students and the Annual College Magazine is one of the aspects that provides momentum to the intellectual growth of its students through the proper exercise and implementation of the writing skills of its students. www.orientflower.in Website: www.orientflower.in
Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development (OKDISCD) is a vision turned reality for some of the most eminent academics of the entire Northeast. http://www.okd.in Website: http://www.okd.in
Nowgong Girls College, Haibargaon, Nagaon, Assam PIN: 782002 A premier institution of higher education for women in Central Assam, Nowgong Girls College owes its existence to the pioneering work and farsightedness of its prime mover and guiding spirit, Late Mahesh Chandra Dev Goswami, who, apart from being a worthy student of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Dr Humayun Kabir in the University of Calcutta, was an eminent educationist of Assam. http://www.ngcassam.org Website: http://www.ngcassam.org
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